My Teaching Philosophy

 "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." by Mark van Doren. 

This is my favorite quote. In order to be a successful teacher, one must create a classroom that is interactive as well as stimulating. I always try to relate the concepts of science to my students’ daily lives. I would hope that when my students leave my classroom they will have learned that science is not just the learning of theories and laws, but of having fun and making exciting discoveries. I am passionate about science because it is not only interesting, but stimulating as well. As a teacher, I not only try to give out information to my students, but also show them how to discover the answers to their questions on their own.

All people, students and teachers alike, possess the characteristics of self-importance and value. It is my belief that by implementing teaching strategies which support student and teacher needs is the key to a well-managed classroom. Personal interaction can build a student's sense of self-worth and importance and appropriate teaching methods can develop a drive for self-motivation and by implementing involvement activities, the teacher can provide a sense of belonging.

Every student is different and those differences should be respected. In a true community, the members of the group strive to work together to do whatever is necessary for the betterment of the community. I consider my classroom a community and my students as important members of that community. Each member should treat each other with respect and strive to interact with each other and share their knowledge and ability when needed. In this way, each member of the community is both a learner and teacher. By sharing his or her strengths, each member will have the opportunity to learn as well.

Finally, I believe the role of a teacher is to be a guide, not a god. If we as teachers treat the entire school as a community, then we will create lifelong learners, cooperative workers, competent teachers, and critical thinkers who are willing to adapt to a changing world for the betterment of the larger community.

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